Workshop II: Challenges in embedded system design: involvment of SMEs in designing complex systems

November, 24 - 2010

The event will take place on November, 24 2010 (Wednesday) at 10:30 in room SI-003, Campus Lugano, USI. The Workshop will consist of presentations by:

Workshop Description

For many applications, complexity of embedded systems has been steadily increasing in the past ten years, leading to new challenges when designing hardware and software. Innovative methodologies for reaching optimal solutions have been proposed: compared to the &ldquo monolithic &rdquo design tool-chain traditionally offered by the big EDA providers, flexible frameworks appear to offer attractive possibilities, in particular for the SMEs that increasingly face the design challenge. In fact, two aspects deserve discussing:

Some recent (or on-going) EU projects dealing with design of complex embedded systems have involved SMEs as active partners: Workshop speakers will discuss their experiences and outline future lines of evolution. An initial Round-Table presentation will be followed by interventions and discussion open to all participants.

Workshop I: The challenge of complexity for new generation systems

September, 23 - 2009

The event was on September, 23 2009 (Wednesday) at 14:00 in Auditorium, Campus Lugano, USI. At the round table participated:

Workshop Description

Systems envisioned within the Nano-Tera framework are quite often intrinsically very complex: beyond that, they are in most instances (as made clear in the Nano-Tera Technical Scope) devised to interact with the physical world, facing challenges that go from the modelling aspects of the phenomena they should deal with to intrinsic non-determinism of such phenomena. This first workshop aims at preparing a strong basis, considering different viewpoints and presenting challenges and solutions of specific relevance to Nano-Tera: on such background one can envision creating in the future more specialized schools targeting, e.g., the challenges of software for complex distributed systems or of reliability.

